Charles Lewis Author and Journalist

Charles Lewis
Author and Journalist

  • 935 Lies, a book by Charles Lewis

    935 Lies

    In his 2014 book, 935 Lies: The Future Of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity, Lewis investigates the deadliest abuses of power by government and companies, how the news media's "watchdog" role is changing, and the future of truth in America. Visit to learn more.

  • Investigating Power - a history of breakthrough investigations that revealed news and changed the national narrative on many major topics since the 1950s, from war to health to civil rights

    Investigating Power

    This multimedia presentation documents "truth to power" moments in contemporary U.S. history and some of the distinguished journalists behind them. And it illuminates the inherent, incalculable value of original, independent reporting in our nation and in the world.

    View Investigating Power

  • investigative reporting workshop at american university

    Investigative Reporting Workshop

    The award-winning Investigative Reporting Workshop, a project of the School of Communication at American University, conducts significant investigative journalism projects on a national and international scale. Since it began publishing in 2009, the Workshop has conducted more than 80 in-depth investigations, published more than 200 stories, and hired and trained more than 135 student researchers.

    More About the Workshop

  • buying of the president 2004

    Buying of the President

    Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity expose the moneyed interests behind many of the decisions made by President George W. Bush as well as his Democratic opponents. A New York Times bestseller.

Projects, Publications, and Other Work   view all

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

Thomas Jefferson

About Charles Lewis

Charles Lewis

Charles Lewis is executive editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop in Washington. A MacArthur Fellow, former ABC News and CBS News 60 Minutes producer and best-selling author or co-author of six books, he founded two Pulitzer Prize-winning nonprofit new organizations, the Center for Public Integrity and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Full Bio